1 Dont believe, thats easy! Its not that easy, how you saw an experienced nail technician' work, or how it looks on the stage।
2। Dont think that you will earn a lot of money until the beginning with this। Not so. The first few month, Im sure, you will not profit highly from this job.
3। Be persistent. You have to stay int he industry at least 1-3 years, to build up a strong clientel.
4. At the beginning, you will spend some empty time at the salon, without serving a client. Everybody had this period of her carreer. Fill these hours with practicing, or build your connections: invite a guest, who is waiting for her next service for a free polishing, or a hand massage. If she liked it, sure she will catch you at her next visit.
5. Find a mentor, and visit her during work, for some year. Dont change your workplace often, unless you see that the incoming guests' number decreased.
6. Be strong. If you are oversensitive or you give up your aims easily, this job is not for you, trully। Sometimes guests are cruel. Not less some of the salon owners, or colleagues.
7. Dont think that you already dont have to learn more about nails, after you got the certificate qualification. Those who think that stop in a low technical level, and never becomeing a high quality nail technician. To be a nr1 nail specialist, you have to work hard, and learn more, after school. Find as many courses as cou can, visit trade shows, ask, talk, and subscribe for a good magazine for nail techs.
8. Its important, that love the people. If you are bashful or dont like to meet new people, it will be expedient to make changes in this characteristic of yours.
9. During the school, practise as much as you can. You can increase your skill level quickly, and you may make some mistace (and learn how to solve them) what beginners mostly do. So, at the time, when a paying client will come to you, you will start to work with that knowledge.
10. You can never learn enough. Visit different schools, courses, and workshops. Watch other nail techs during work, always looking for new substances, techniques, tricks.
11. Watch, how the stars work! Look at a professional nail techs work of, attend road shows, work. Sometimes you may not learn what to do, but you will see what NOT to do..
12. Enjoy sculpting nails. If you are genious in your passion, and you can do it perfectly, you will never work in your life a moment.
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