2009. augusztus 29., szombat

The problem: LIFTING

Problems and solutions...
...which can occur not only with beginners

The problem: The nail crack, break, or get out in one piece

The basis of the problem: The artificial nail does not adhere properly to the natural nail. If there are lifting parts, its easy to „pull off” the nail enhancement in one piece.

The solution: There are three different reason to fix the problem. The first and most common reason (which I could see not only with beginners at the salon work) is that the product (gel or liquid/powder bead) touched the clients skin.

Many newbie nail tech are afraid that they cannot cover zone3 evenly, finally they touch the skin with the product. The root of the problem is in the PREP proceed: push back cuticles, and remember that there could be skin near the lateral sidewalls. Don't scratch up this skin with your file or drill, because its not safe, and you cannot be sure that there is no skin remaining on the nail plate. Never touch the skin with the sculpting brush.

Another possible reason for the adhesion problem, if there are oil, dust, or other chemical remain on the surface of the nail plate before product application. If you use cuticle remover, wash it off thoroughly, push back cuticles, and gently file the nail plate with a 240 grit hand file. The nail plate would not be shiny. If there are shiny places on the prepped nail plate, the product would not adhere properly, and will cause lifting.

The other side of the problem can cause lifting: if you want to prep well, and overfiled the natural nail plate. You may know the rule: you must gently file the nail plate to ensure proper adhesion. But did you know: if you overfile the nail plate, that become smooth and thin? Rule No2: The product can not adhere well to a smooth, glossy surface. That's why irritated, overfiled natural nails „pull out” the nail enhancement, cause massive lifting.

Did you know? The fingernail plate is made of about 100 layers of dead, flattened keratin cells.
Only the very top 4-5 layers of plate needs to be removed to create good adhesion.

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