2009. augusztus 20., csütörtök

How long can I wear my nail enhancements?

#2. Myth:

The natural nails have need the enhancement wearing periodic discontinuance, to rest and let them breathe.

The truth:

Natural nail made from dead, flattened cells pressed together tightly. Cannot breathe, neither to feed, and doesnt make metabolism processes. Ont he natural nails surface, there are many microscopic channels, to move the oil, and water inside it. Water/oil balance is a first key in natural nails life.

The myth comes, becouse many nail technicians overfile the natural nail plate, occure seriously damaged, thin, weak nails. This type of nails cannot hold nail enhancements – need some rest to regenerate.

A wll balanced enhanchement set, safetly fills, proper prep doesnt weaken the natural nails: as they are covered with a tough product, they are more likely to grow, and avoid traumas of every day life.

You can wear your enhancement as long as you want.

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